Home site  High Tatras - Veľká Studená dolina     Photogallery of the valley 
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Veľká Studená dolina
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Veľká Studená dolina is one of the largest valleys on the southern side of mountain range Vysoké Tatry. It is 7 km long and is located approximately in the middle of the range. The lower section of the valley is overgrown with forest and the gradient is mild, the middle and upper section has several elevations and it is very large. It is opened to the east. The border between Veľká Studená dolina and Malá Studená dolina on NE is Prostredný hrebeň (ridge) and it is separated from Javorová dolina (valley) on N and from Bielovodská dolina on NW by the main ridge of Vysoké Tatry (including lateral ridges). On S it is separated from Velická dolina (valley) – actually from Slavkovská dolina – by the ridge of Bradavica and massif of Slavkovský štít (peak). The prominent peaks above the valley are these: Prostredný hrot, Široká veža, Ostrý štít, Javorový štít, Malý Javorový štít, Svišťový štít, Východná Vysoká, Bradavica and Slavkovský štít. The valley contains the greatest number of tarns overall - 22, even though they are quite small. In the upper section of the valley is located Zbojnícka chata (chalet – 1960 m). At the valley entrance, still in forest area is Reinerova chatka (small chalet – 1295 m).Getting there: Take a cable car from Starý Smokovec to Hrebienok (7 min), The follow the red hiking trail until you reach the junction. Then follow the blue hiking trail into the Veľká Studená dolina and Zbojnícka chata (2,5 hour).